Andrew Murphy
2/22/2010 07:41:01 am

There were many accomplishments in Roosevelt's Square Deal. Like:

The Antiques Act of 1906. This act gave the president authority to restrict use of particular land.

The Elkins Act of 1903 forbade rebates that were offered by the rail road to corporations, which treated small Midwestern farmers unfairly, by not allowing them equal access to the services of the railroad.

The Hepburn Act of 1906 strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission; prior to that, the commission had minimal resources to carry out its duties.

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 were both widely accredited to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, although Sinclair's intention in writing The Jungle was to reveal the mistreatment of factory workers.

Andew Murphy
3/1/2010 10:32:41 am

I liked the Square Deal, and I agree with it. It was very important to make the economy much better than it was back then. These acts were very important. All of these acts led up to a great success.

Andrew Murphy (Starting to see a pattern here?)
3/2/2010 08:52:56 am

Many accomplishments were made with the Square Deal. The Square Deal was mainly focused on the middle class, and being fair to the lower class. He also focused on protecting consumers, conserving the environment and foreign policy.

The Sherman Anti-Trust took away monopolies. Now, the middle and lower class citizens did not have to pay an outrageous amount of money for something.

He made the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. These 2 acts helped keep Americans healthy. Less Americans were getting sick, which meant that this act was working.

Roosevelt summed up his approach to foreign policy in a single sentence: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” His most notable achievement was the Panama Canal, which made shipping from one side of the country to another go much faster.

Roosevelts square deal made many accomplishments.

Ruben (broke the pattern)
3/2/2010 12:28:26 pm

The Square Deal was made by Theodore Roosevelt. With this he made many accomploshments such as:

The Elkins Act of 1903 and the Hepburn Act of 1906, made the Interstate Commerce Commission more powerful, by allowing it to control the rail prices. However, this action resulted in diminishing the importance of railroads, compared to trucks and buses. In 1902, when the mine workers called a strike against the Northern Securities Company, a coal company, he suggested that the army would take the places of the mine workers and put the mine workers under pressure. He also suggested that Wall Street should sell off the stocks of the coal companies and put the coal companies under pressure. This pressure on both parties from external forces, caused a reconciliation between the mine workers and the coal companies

On the foreign policy side, Roosevelt affirmed the 'Roosevelt Corollary' to the 'Monroe Doctrine'. Roosevelt planned a revolution in Panama. So the new Panamanian government allowed the US to build the Panama Canal, which later benefited the American shipping industry. The US competed with Europe over their interference in Latin American countries, such as Dominican Republic, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba. The US would take action if the Latin American countries made transgressions. After the Russo-Japanese war broke out in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt brokered peace between Russia and Japan and sent sixteen warships to Asian harbors. Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for arbitrating peace.

In 1902, he intervened in a United Mine Workers Strike and helped labor get management to agree to binding arbitration. The arbitrators awarded the miners a wage increase and a shortened workday.

In his administration’s first trust-busting case, his attorney general filed suit against the Northern Securities Company, a railroad holding company, for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act, which had not been successfully used against monopolies since its passage in 1890. After this case, though, the Act became an extremely important tool for government regulation of corporations. In 1904, the Supreme Court ordered that the Northern Securities Company be dissolved, a decision that launched a series of antitrust suits. In all, the Roosevelt administration filed forty-three trust-busting suits.

3/2/2010 12:36:31 pm

In many ways, you could say that the square deal only made accomplishments when it was made,I blieve it did much more. Up to this day it is possible that the square deal might hve affected many decisions conserning human rights, or working laws.

3/11/2010 04:39:31 am

The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program formed upon four basic ideas of "Conservation", "Regulating Business Monopolies", "Enforcing the Anti-Trust Act", and "Supporting Progressive Ideas". Thus, it aimed at helping middle class citizens and involved attacking the plutocracy and trusts while at the same time protecting business from the extreme demands of organized labor.


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