The Laissez-faire economic policy has strengths, but it also has some weaknesses
Andrew Murphy
12/14/2009 04:33:29 am

Laissez-fair means allowing the industry to be free of economic restriction. This is good, but it is also bad.
Its good, because then the industry can do whatever they want. They can have choices. It is very good to have choices.
It is bad because now there would be a total anarchy. The government would pretty much have no control

Andrew Murphy
12/14/2009 04:36:03 am

Andrew Murphy
12/14/2009 04:36:46 am

In my opinion, I really do not like it. It pretty much gives the government no control, which is stupid.

Andrew Bates
12/15/2009 03:29:13 am

Laissez-faire is a economic policy which means free of government restrictions. Laissez-faire in full is "laissez faire, laissez passer" which in English means "let things alone, let them pass." Many people believe in laissez-faire, because they think some people in the government are holding the country back and therefor holding the people back from the life they deserve. One of the main beliefs of the American Republican Party is based on the laissez-faire policy, shown through their support for individuals controlling their futures with little to no government restrictions or help.

Andrew Bates
12/15/2009 03:30:09 am

My sources: Class notes and The American History Book.

12/17/2009 12:40:52 am

To make it simple the Laissez- faire is a economic policy in which buisnesses were free of restrictions. Laissez-fair (which means to leave alone or to allow to do in french). This economic policy was popular because the goverment had little to no interference in the economicc affairs of individuals and buisnesses. This is important becuase interference from the goverment meant less time consumed in those affairs. A weakness that this policy has is that in some cases interference from the goverment is essential.

12/17/2009 12:43:00 am

I believe that this policy would be good in a well organized society, but in some cases it could cause difficulties.

Andrew Murphy
12/17/2009 12:51:47 am

The definition for laissez-faire economy is: an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources to determine prices.

Andrew Murphy
12/17/2009 12:59:07 am

I agree with Toti. This kind of economy would be very difficult to pull off, and of course it will cause some economic problems. For example, the people have a lot of power in this kind of economy, and it might get out of hand. Also, the government will not have as much power as other kinds of government, which might be a big problem. But if the people actually tried hard enough to make it work, they might actually have a descent economy. So, overall, with enough work, effort, and dedication to make this economy work, it might actually be pretty good. But if anything went wrong in it, things could turn chaotic. And since I normally don't like to take a lot of risks, I do not really like this kind of economy.

12/17/2009 12:59:17 am

Another example that the Laissez-faire policy is a good policy is that the goverment dose not charge a fee which means less money spent.

12/17/2009 01:01:26 am

Laissez-faire is a French term that literally means "to allow to do", in English. It is also a political policy that puts as little power as possible in the hands of the government. This could be a problem because the government in no way, shape, or form is involved in the economy. So if the economy were to fail like it did in the great depression we probably would be in a lot of trouble. This also could be a good thing, though. This takes us one step back from socialism and it teaches us to do things for ourselves. Laissez-faire gives us the right to make our own decisions. Even with that said, I don't believe that this is a good government because the government shouldn't just leave its country on its own with no help. This is the exact opposite of what happened with the New Deal and I thought that the New Deal was a great idea and it really helped get Americans back on their feet.

12/17/2009 01:01:26 am

I agree with Andrew on agreeing with me. If there is a underground trade as a example, the goverment cannot do anything about it. It takes a very well organzied society, and a very honest society. WIth this policy it is very easy to rip someone off.

12/17/2009 01:04:11 am

I agree with Toti and Andrew. Things like that is why we need the government to lend a helping hand, I'm not saying that they should fully help us, but if there was to be a drug dealing problem the government wouldn't be able to help. This could lead to a most possible drug epidemic.

Andrew Murphy
12/17/2009 01:05:59 am

Laissez faire, in French, literally means, let do, but it broadly implies "leave it be" or "leave it alone."

12/17/2009 01:07:02 am

This is where I got my sources

Andrew Bates
12/17/2009 01:07:14 am

Another of my sources ( that laissez-faire in full says "laissez faire, laissez aller, laissez passer" which in English means "let do, let go, let pass." In the nineteenth century the laissez-faire policy could be found in North-West of England, although small in area and numbers the "Manchester Liberals" strongly believed in this policy. The laissez-faire economic policy never became truly the main doctrine of any country in Europe during this time period. In America the laissez-faire economic policy was most strongly present during the Civil War, but after this it faded quickly from the United States. It is argued that the laissez-faire policy was present during the Great Depression, but the plan had already stopped being used before the Great Depression had started. Today very few to no modern industrial countries use laissez-faire economic plans, because doing this would stop things like minimum wages and welfare programs from being enforced. I think that the laissez-faire economic policy was a good idea at the time, but now too many people rely on programs that a laissez-faire policy would take away. Another reason I don't think this type of policy would work in industrial nations today, is that employers are always looking for cheaper ways to make goods and hire people, that with no government restrictions or participation in the economy and working field, goods would start declining in quality as companies start trying to save more and more money, and high-payed employees would find their jobs being cut or finding themselves fired and replaced by lower-payed workers.

12/14/2010 09:08:33 am

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12/21/2010 11:40:31 am

Fantastic blog! Very well written.*

3/7/2011 03:36:25 pm

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3/22/2011 06:56:55 pm

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3/27/2011 06:41:59 pm

There is no rose without a thorn.


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